About Avon Business Club
We are a small independent business club whose members can expect to boost their business through the relationships they build with other members.
Increase your business via direct and indirect referrals.
Tap into the expertise of other members of the group.
Establish strategic alliances within the group.
This is all achieved in a friendly and relaxed environment. We do not set referral targets as we understand that certain businesses will find it more difficult to make referrals than others. Quality of referral is more important than quantity.
The Club exists not to make a profit out of its business, but to help its members make a profit out of theirs. This club is run by the members for the members.
We meet fortnightly at the Origin Workspace in Clifton. If you are interested in coming along to our next meeting then please contact us via email at info@avonbusinessclub.co.uk.



Premier Lodge


Christopher Hole

Critical Mass Marketing

Malago Insurance Brokers

Star Legal

Alexander Mae

Unique Media Group

Clarity AI

Bristol Business Centre

Brand 51

Burton Sweet

Crane Williams

Wilson & Cole Developments
What Our Members Say
ABC members get more than just business leads and referrals from their membership - here it is in their own words.