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Healthcare Partner
Steve Windaybank
Company Profile
WPA offers Private Medical Insurance and Cash Plans to Companies of all sizes, as well as to Families and Individuals.
As a Franchisee with WPA I am self-employed, and Certificate II qualified with WPA Healthcare Practice.
WPA was established over 100 years ago, and is run as a not-for-profit - here's what we offer:
- Established 1901 providing Health Care for over 120 years.
- Purely a Health Specialist.
- Premiums are not Claims-related.
- Provident Non-for-Profit Organisation.
- Provide Full Hospital Coverage with 600 hospitals countrywide available to you.
- You have access to 21,000 Specialists enabling you to create earlier and easier appointment times.
- Outstanding service even at the point of Claim.
- Policies to suit Individuals, Families, Self Employed people, Small Companies and Large Companies.
Why you should choose WPA:
- Peace of Mind.
- Protection for your family.
- Control where and when you can be seen.
- Liaise with a Specialist, when it best suits you.
- Quick treatment which helps towards a better quality of life.
- Better quality of care with access to new and available drugs.
- Can you afford to be Ill? If you are Self-Employed you won't get sickness benefits from your employer.
- Create your own planned Health Care.

What Our Members Say
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